Friday, June 3, 2011

Virtual Belly Rub

I am positioning myself for a belly rub by moving 
to an optimial belly position.  By laying on the side
I am hoping for a session of belly rubbing that ends 
with possession of the hand. 
Here is a close up of the belly with a little
bit of my pink stomach showing from under
the white floof.  I am offering free virtual
belly rubs for anyone interested.


  1. What an adorable floofy belly! My mommy is sending virtual belly rubs to you!

  2. Binga does the same trick - invites belly rubs but keeps the hand. I am much more polite, and do not take possession.

  3. We're in line! Mommy is VERY used to a little hand nomming...we're just sayin'!

  4. I will love that delicious belly all day long. Yummy.
