Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tortie Tuesday-Paper Edition

I was able to knock one of the ads off of the dining room
table and am currently guarding it from Mom who does
not want me to be playing with this piece of paper because
it has some type of human use or some such thing.  It is a
huge piece of paper, but I did not get to keep it

I stayed near there because there were a couple of other
sheets of paper that I managed to knock down through
Mom was looking.  I had to bide my time with a bit 
of weaving until she moved on so that I could properly
enjoy the fun of chewing on papers it took much self control, but
I did it.


  1. Is that a Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon? My human heard somewhere that in spite of the expiration date, they never really expire! I think that is some sort of magic trick.

  2. People are so picky with their reading papers. We like to knock everything down!

  3. We love a good paper ripping session too! Sadly, Mommy doesn't approve which means we have to do it on the sly. Heh heh.

  4. You did a good job knocking that paper down, Willow. too bad your mom was watching so you couldn't knock down more.

  5. Next time you want some paper Willow try whapping something the other way while you hide it for later.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Looks like you did a great job gathering the good parts!

  7. I LOVE to shred papers also. Especially the important receipts - Mommie always makes the funniest yelling noise when I do that!

  8. Hey Willow and Bravo for your excellent batting skills.

    Guess what you could most certainly pawticipate in the Olympics...in fact you are doing one today. One of the categories of Summer Olympics is Floor Exercise which is anything you are doing on the floor. I'm hosting Gymnastics and will have a breakdown on all the categories on Friday June 15...drop by if you can.
    Hugs from your BFFF

  9. Oh Willow, we love to play with paper too and especially like to take naps on little tiny pieces of paper. Hope all of you have a wonderful day. Take care. Hope Mom is feeling all right.

  10. Good things come to Cats who weave!

  11. Good job, Willow! Your Mom needs to get you some tissue paper! It is really fun!

  12. OH yes Willow, ask for tissue paper. You'll LOVE it.


  13. You wouldn't believe what those papers and magazine would look like after I had them for a while! They are my favorite things to chew and scratch.

  14. Darling, How **dare** your Human deny you the fun you should rightfully have had wif that blue paper there. I'm calling the purrlice on her.

  15. Great job, Willow! That looks like a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon to us. They have PET stuff there, you know. You should only give that coupon back if your mom agrees to use it on YOU! :)

  16. Great job, Willow! Is that a coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond? They have PET stuff there, you know. You should give that coupon back to your mom ONLY if she agrees to use it for YOU! :)
