Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is very hot out in the house even though
it is only June and the blinds are closed.  In
order to beat the heat I've been spending a lot of
time in the bathroom as it is one of the two rooms
with cool tiles

Chillin in the bathroom also gives a time
to explore various areas of the house again
from my usual routes.  It adds a little variety to
chill in the bathroom.


  1. I love chillin on the tiles, too. Your colors are just so beautiful, Willow.

  2. It's been really hot here as well and it's been a challenge trying to find a cool spot!

  3. We would love to chill on our tiles if it wasn't too darn cold!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Hi there Willow, we are so glad you figured out a way to stay cool. Those tiles are a good idea. Hope all of you have a great week end.

  5. Glogirly and Gloman keep my townhouse meat-cooler cool, so I'm chillin' all over the place! Enjoy your own chillin'!
    ; ) Katie

  6. Willow you should give lessons in chillin'!!
    Do you and Mom get a lot of really hot weather up your way or does it come in spurts?

    We are currently experiencing the 4 Hs here, hot, hazy, humid and hellious.
    Hugs your BFFF

  7. it's gotten warm here, but for some reason that doesnt keep the kitties from seeking sun puddles! Silly things. Stay cool!

  8. Willow, we got the hots're smart to chillax on the tiles.

  9. It's been cool here so we still snuggle in blankets. We're glad you can stay cool in the hots there though!

  10. That looks a great floor for cooling on.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. There's hots here too, Willow. You are finding a good way to stay cooler. xoxoxoxox

  12. We hadded the hawts today. It was 83, and for here, that's hawt. I, myself, do not care for temps above 72-ish. Puts me right off my dinner. The bafftub can be good, too, although for obvious reasons it's a little, you know, dangerous.
