Thursday, August 30, 2012

(Indoor) Garden Tour

Did you know that I haz a green thumb through this
plant is much older than me at twenty-one years old
I helped Mom with it making it the jungle beauty that it
is today.  What I do is some maintenance checks for 
new buds as without me these buds would not know what to do. 

I haz a plant that I took care of by myself as it is up 
at cat height and what I do is a lot of scent marking
as this would help to make this little one grow as big as 
its furiend.  Cause everything is much better when its
helped by our cat powers and scents.


  1. You has quite the green thu, er, toe, Willow! Happy Thursday, pretty girl. XOXO

  2. Prancer's right! You've got quite the green paws! Glogirly can't keep a plant alive for 20 DAYS, let alone 20 years!!!
    ; ) Katie

  3. Even without thumbs, green or not, you are better with plants than my human.

  4. You are quite the indoor gardenner, Willow!

  5. YOu do a wonderful joby. Please hop on your Ess or in your Tunnel and stay with us for a few days and check on ours.

  6. We don't have any inside plants - if they get one look at our Mum they die instantly unless it's that she forgets to water them!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. glad that your mom is keeping the world green... cause we sure can't...our mom cannot grow hair let alone plants.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  8. Kizzie likes to curl around tall plants in plant pots. But her favourite plants are trees, which she likes to climb up, or grass, for rolling on or hiding in.

  9. Hah! Mommy just moved all the indoor plants OUTdoors. She says the plant cannot survive with us constantly *loving* it with our teeth.

  10. Willow, you couldn’t be more right about the need for loving cat scent on efurrything!! xx

  11. Good job Willow, helping that plant grow like crazy. We know it is because of your good care. Keep up the good work Willow.

  12. I love you plant sweet Willow and you sure do take good care of it!

  13. You're doing a great job taking care of that plant! For some reason we don't get to be near any of our plants. Mommy doesn't like how we aerate the leaves by putting teef marks in them. She's weird.

  14. Are those buds nom-a-lishus? Or do you let them grow? Personally, we love a good salad.

  15. Wow, that plant is very old! You have quite the green paw!

  16. Willow of course you have a green were named after a very pretty flowing tree.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF
