Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pining for Spring

This winter has been super long with no
sunpuddles I am pinning for spring. Watching
the snow has been really limiting the birdie tv
with a whiteout. The few little days of mini Spring
was nice as it gave a little bit of sun.

Until Spring really comes I will spend time dreaming
of it and all of the warmth that will come .

 Also it would be nice to not have static cling as
when playing I needed Moms help getting this toy
off when playing *sigh*


  1. It sounds like you are having sun puddles and Bird TV withdrawls, Willow!

  2. We hope you soon get sun puddles to snooze in.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Yes Willow, winter has been sooo long this year. We has that static electricity at our house, too. Mommy says it's because we have to run the central heat so much. It makes Mommy's fingers shock when she pets us. Ouch!
    Happy Wednesday!

  4. We can't wait for spring either. It's been a much too long winter!

  5. Static cling is a nightmare, isn't it!! Spring is peeping through here, so there is hope. Hang on Willow xx

  6. Your toys have static cling? MOUSES!


  7. Here we waiting for the Autumn!!!!!

  8. We are SO ready for Spring, too, Willow. It's coming, so hang in there!

  9. I’m hoping Spring comes soon too. Spring Training has started for the NYY so it won’t be long.

  10. Oh man, we hear that! We've all been getting shocked everytime MomFOD wants to pet us with this darned static in the air! Curses! - Crepes.

  11. We have had some spring here but back to freezing tonight! WE hate static cling, too!

  12. Hi sweet Willow. I thought I was ere yesterday although I was accidentally using mom's account. But I guess not.

  13. MOL MOL Willow dry cold winter air does make for lots of static. I hope you find a way to rid yourself of the free loader.
    Lots of hugs madi your bfff

  14. Oh, Willow, your pain is our pain! It doesn't seem like spring will ever get here!

  15. Sun oh sun, where art thou? Kitties need you to enjoy sun puddles and their Mom's do to so they may earn the privilege of getting to rub a soft kitty belleh or join their baby in a sun snuggle session!

  16. Sweet Willow! We have the opposite problem here: We NEVER had any winter at all. Sigh. We are in a terrible drought. I'm kinda worried that if water gets rationed and the Human can't flush the toilet much, that she's going to start wanting to share my box. ::shudder:: XOXOXO

  17. I hope a sun puddle comes to a window near mew very soon!!!

    Purrs Basil xox

  18. Willow, we love seeing you all wrapped up in your wand toy. Such a great time you are having. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
