Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pining for Spring

This winter has been super long with no
sunpuddles I am pinning for spring. Watching
the snow has been really limiting the birdie tv
with a whiteout. The few little days of mini Spring
was nice as it gave a little bit of sun.

Until Spring really comes I will spend time dreaming
of it and all of the warmth that will come .

 Also it would be nice to not have static cling as
when playing I needed Moms help getting this toy
off when playing *sigh*

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bedroom Eyes

Who wants to have a cuddle on Valentines Day I
have a bed with plenty of room for any man cats
to come enjoy.  I hope you take time for a little lovin'
on this special day purrs.  I promise to add a smoochie too.
As a Sassy Mature Lady Cat I can offer a lot of loves
on Valentine's Day.  So come on I saved a space 
for you to come Smooch 